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Free Text To Speech Reader

Instantly reads out loud text & pdf with natural sounding voices online - works out of the box. drop the text and click play..

Drag text or pdf files to the text-box, or directly type/paste in text. Select language and click Play. Remembers text and caret position between sessions. Works on Chrome and Safari, desktop and mobile. Enjoy listening :)

Best Text to Speech Online

  • Online speech synthesizer, single click to read out loud any text
  • Listen instead of reading
  • Multiple languages and voices
  • Reads PDF files too


  • Chrome extension
  • Listen to ANY website without leaving the page
  • Adds a 'play' functionality to Chrome
  • Clean page for readability and / or print

Try it Now for FREE

TTSReader / Android

  • Podcast any written content
  • Save data - works offline too

Get it on the Play store

Fun, Online, Free. Listen to great content

Drag, drop & play (or directly copy text & play). That’s it. No downloads. No logins. No passwords. No fuss. Simply fun to use and listen to great content. Great for listening in the background. Great for proof-reading. Great for kids and more. Learn more, including a YouTube we made, here .

Multilingual, Natural Voices

We facilitate high-quality natural-sounding voices from different sources. There are male & female voices, in different accents and different languages. Choose the voice you like, insert text, click play to generate the synthesized speech and enjoy listening.

Exit, Come Back & Play from Where You Stopped

TTSReader remembers the article and last position when paused, even if you close the browser. This way, you can come back to listening right where you previously left. Works on Chrome & Safari on mobile too. Ideal for listening to articles.

Better than Podcasts

In many aspects, synthesized speech has advantages over recorded podcasts. Here are some: First of all - you have unlimited - free - content. That includes high-quality articles and books, that are not available on podcasts. Second - it’s free. Third - it uses almost no data - so it’s available offline too, and you save money. If you like listening on the go, as while driving or walking - get our free Android Text Reader App .

Read PDF Files, Texts & Websites

TTSReader extracts the text from pdf files, and reads it out loud. Also useful for simply copying text from pdf to anywhere. In addition, it highlights the text currently being read - so you can follow with your eyes. If you specifically want to listen to websites - such as blogs, news, wiki - you should get our free extension for Chrome


Use our apps for commercial purposes. Generated audio can be used for YouTubes, games, telephony and more. To export the generated speech into high-quality audio files, you can either use our Android app , or record them, as explained here . Read more for ttsreader’s commercial terms. Read more

We love to hear your feedback. Here’s what users said about us:

The new male voice is great. It is quite melodic and natural, much more so then other sites I have tried to use. This is a GREAT tool, well done thanks!


This product works amazingly well. I use it to edit my books, pasting in a chapter, having it read back to me while I edit the original. Cuts down my book edit time by over 50% !

Multiple voices from different nationalities. Easy to use interface. Paste text and it will speak. Can create mp3 files.

ttsreader for Android

Great app. Can handle long texts, something other apps can’t. Highly recommended!

What a great App! exactly what i needed, a reader to provide me content efficiently.

ttsreader-x for Chrome

Recent Posts

Read about our different products, get the news & tips from our developers.

Amazon's Kindle Fire - Can Now Read Websites

on June 6, 2017

Amazon’s Kindle Fire - Can Now Read Websites As TTSReader is Now Available on Amazon’s App Store Get it now for FREE Exciting news! Kindle lovers now got upgraded with some new great features. TTSReader on the Kindle can read out loud any text, pdf and website. It uses the latest algorithms to extract only the relevant text out of the usually-cluttered websites. Great for listening to Wiki articles for instance, blogs and more.

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Android Gets the Best In Class Websites Reader

Android Gets Best In Class Websites Reader - With Latest Update to TTSReader Pro Start listening now for FREE Exciting news, as Android’s TTSReader Pro app, has been updated to use TTSReaderX’s algorithms to extract only the relevant text out of websites. This is super important for a text-to-speech website reader, as otherwise the reader would start reading out loud all the ads, menus, sharing buttons and more clutter.

Commercial Licensing & Terms

on May 10, 2017

When is a Commercial License Necessary Using ttsreader.com within your institution If you are a company, or organization, using ttsreader.com, please use our paypal donate link. If you are a personal user, or an educational institute - ttsreader.com is free, no need to even donate - you are welcome, of course :). Using the generated speech for commercial purposes Recording and using the audio generated by TTSReader in a commercial application (ie publishing)

Export Speech to Audio Files

How to Record Audio Played on PC (Speakers) for Free Need to record audio from TTSReader, YouTube or other? Here’s how in a few simple steps (includes screenshots). No need to record the speakers - you can record the audio from within the pc itself. It will be of higher audio quality - as it’s the original digital signal, clear and without ambient noise. Also, no need to purchase a software for that.

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Want to see more?

Visit our company's page, to see more of our speech to text (dictation) and text to speech apps for desktops and mobile. For news and tips from our developers visit our blog.

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PRIVACY: We don't store any of your text, in fact, it doesn't even leave your computer. We do use cookies and your local storage to enhance your experience. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, WellSource Ltd. ; all rights reserved.    Template by Bootstrapious . Ported to Hugo by DevCows

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Bring Text-To-Speech into ANY website. Add our new TTSReader Extension for free.


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